
Girls Imagining FutureTransformation


GIFT is an evidence based afterschool program for  11-14 year old “at-risk” girls (gems) residing in disadvantaged Brooklyn communities. GIFT is designed to assist gems in becoming productive in society and not a product of their environment. The program was implemented in January 2016 at Stephen Decatur Middle School 35 in the Stuyvesant Heights section of Brooklyn. 


To help gems understand their self-worth and build confidence through weekly sister circles (life skills/youth development), monthly community service, mentoring, educational support and parental involvement. This multi-layered formula will bring forth creativity and determination which equal success.

Desired Outcome:​​

To improved the emotional, social, educational and vocational competencies of our gems. This is accomplished through an innovative, interdisciplinary program design that targets objectives and meets standards of excellence through the program activities.

Core Values:

 Leadership, Accountability, Community & Empowering are all important elements that define     self-worth. Gems’ perspective on the core values bring forth positive change within their lives while simultaneously and inspiring their peers to follow suit. Gems display leadership qualities and do not accept anything less from others.


What Set Us Apart: 

  •     Tashima  is a former Bedford Stuyvesant resident, activist and holds a Master's degree in                   Nonprofit Management and Leadership 
  •     Sheena is a resident of Bedford Stuyvesant, retired DOE educator, activist and holds a               Master's degree in Education
  •     Staff that can empathize with the term "at risk" experience is the best teacher.                                         Speaking from the heart not necessarily a book 
  •     Provide vital resources for gems to ensure strong self-awareness, social, personal and                      academic skills that enable gems to become confident and self-sufficient 
  •     Create effective activities (Queens & Princesses) where mothers and daughters can                   
  •           build/restore their bond, creating special memories together 
  •     At least three years of services for gems to help meet their goals, but more time is                          granted if needed 
  •     When gems graduate they can return to the program as mentors to the new gems