
Over the past 21 years, MSK Executives, Tashima M. Flowers & Sheena R. Rue, have collectively observed the silent cries from a vast majority of young girls they have come in contact with, whether directly or indirectly. Initially, they thought it would be easier to ignore the signs of distress rather than try to become a “savior”. Having hands-on experience working with young girls with various circumstances, however, made their decision to step up and take action a no-brainer. Tashima and Sheena understood that a lack of direction from these girls hindered their ability to become productive adolescents. Being a part of the solution, not the problem, was the only way to combat the term “at-risk”.

​MSK is made up of people who genuinely care about the lives of young girls. To take it one step further, the two Executives speak from experience. They once lived the lives of “at risk” girls.  They were told nothing positive would derive from some of the decisions they made. Their success level was based on the communities in which they resided in verses their  acadmeic  capabilities. Tashima and Sheena turned all the negatives into positives. They felt comfortable within themselves that when someone said, “no you can’t” they said “yes I can”. 
